It's EASY to win free Bokkerz stuff!

All you need to do is answer a few little questions and you can win!
Prizes include mini-stomps, stomp pads, leashes and t-shirts.

Fill out and win free Bokkerz Snowboard Accessories
(hint:  You may need to surf the Bokkerz Web Site for the Answers)

1.  From our Bokkerz Snaccs line of clear stomp pads and leashes, which is your favorite clear pad?

2.  Which is your favorite Bokkerz DESIGNER stomp pad?

3.  Using our Stomp Letterz, give us your suggestion for a celebrity board.

4.   Who is your favorite snowboard accessory company that happens to make designer stomp pads and stomp letterz and clear pads and Spank Wear?

Bonus Question:

On The Simpsons TV Show, what is the name of Bart's Best Friend?

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(c) 2003 Bokkerz - Contact us at

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